Aryan Pratap

Devops Engineer
35000 / Month

About Candidate


DevOps Engineer proficient in automating software delivery, CI/CD pipelines, cloud infrastructure management, and containerization. Strong problem-solving and collaboration skills to optimize development and operations processes.


1.AWS deployment:Successfully utilized AWS for Angular, Node.js, Java, and WordPress applications,Lambda functions, leveraging S3 and Route 53
for storage and domain management while managing EC2 instances for seamless execution.
2.Docker implementation:Proficiently employed Docker for consistent application deployment across various environments,ensuringstreamlined
3.Ansible automation:Implemented Ansible for efficient configuration management,reducing manual efforts in server provisioning andenhancing
deployment workflows.
4.CI/CD Pipeline setup:Designed CI/CD pipelines in Jenkins with GitHub and GitLab integration,enabling automated build,test,anddeployment
processes through webhook triggers.
5.Optimization and monitoring:Demonstrated exceptional skills in monitoring server performance,implementing scaling strategies forincreased
user traffic, and actively contributing to database management for enhanced storage and retrieval.
6.Cost management and collaboration:Played a key role in cost management,identifying resource optimization opportunities whilecollaborating
closely with development teams for version control, code reviews.
Devops Engineer
Boxinall Softech
Oct 2020 – Nov 2021, Noida, India
1. Provide framework for delivering Docker image of the code pushed with thehelp of Jenkins, Docker, GitHub
2. Providing a Docker Image and monitoring everything using AWS
3. Monitoring through Microsoft Azure and AWS for maximizing the availability andperformance of the applications and services.
4. Building CI/CD Pipelines with the help of Azure, also with the help of Git, Jenkins,Docker.


Jenkins – Building CI/CD pipeline and automating it.
Terraform – terraform states and working, terraform with AWS
AWS – Using ec2 instances , s3 , port mapping , route 53 ,Lambda Function.
Version Control – Gitlab , Github
Docker – docker image , containers , docker volumes , docker compose.
Databases – PostgreSQL , MongoDB , MySQL
Operating System – Linux ,Windows.

1. Backend – Java , Frontend – Angular , Database – PostgreSQL , Server – Ubuntu , AWS , Gitlab webhook ,Jenkins.
2. Uniblok is a platform where innovators of revolutionary ideas find their best alliance that will help them build what they havein mind for
the generations.
3. Uniblok is more than just another platform;we solve the problems that all clients and Service providers face today while working together.
4. Project url –
1. Backend – NodeJs , Frontend – Angular , Database – MongoDB , Server – Ubuntu , AWS , Gitlab webhook , Jenkins.
2. CertiXpert is a leading digital certification website that empowers individuals and organizations to showcase their expertise.
3. With a user-friendly interface, we offer secureand verifiable digital certificates for diverse fields.
4. Project url –

